I think I did well with commenting and giving feedback on the piece of writing under me.
I could have done better with putting more descriptive words into my writing
Here is my writing:
I believe that learning on the chromebooks is good for us because It is good for evidencing with your strategies and work you are proud of, you can finish off work at home and you can also record yourself on it.
Firstly, having chromebooks is important for children in the class to learn new facts by searching them up on the internet rather than having to look through one book. Or two! It is also good for the future because you might get into University or even get a job as an office worker. You will easily be able to use your skills of typing and using different tools.
Secondly, evidencing is GREAT if you are proud of some work . You can use different tools to share it with them. If someone was proud of their explain everything, they could take a snapshot and put it on a google slide, a doc, a sheet, a google form or a google drawing.
Thirdly, you can finish off your learning or work at home. If someone needed to write the rest of a story they could do it at home on their chromebook or log in from a different computer.
By the way, I wouldn’t be persuading you in this story if it wasn’t for this Chromebook!
Lastly, we can record our voices on vocaroo, voice recorder, speak pipe and morphvox. If someone was reading , they wouldn’t be able to give some evidence on a book so you could obviously record your voice for feedback on a chromebook.
Those were all my reasons why I think self directed learning is the best!
So do you really want to put everyone’s learning on the line?
I didn’t think so.