
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

My Pepeha

Te Maunga has been working with Te Ngahere for 3 whole days in a row.We made presentations about our learning.We could make powtoons, screencastifies and also thing links.I could have made a better effort with the sounds and I could of recorded my voice.We were learning how to explain our learning.I did well with my transitions. I did a powtoon about my Pepeha. So here is my presentation.


  1. Hi Tia I like the way you made a powtoon to show what a pepeha is and what yours is. I like the way you used pictures when you what was your favorite part about your pepeha said something. by tayla

    1. Hey Tayla, Thank You for the comment, That was very nice of you to say to me.

      Bye Bye
      From Tia

  2. hi Tia I really like your presentation and i liked the way you did the English side f you pepeha bye

  3. Hey Tia it’s Lilli-Rose,
    Your blog post is awesome!!! I like how you made your powtoon it has lots of detail. But when you put a full stop it didn’t have a space before you wrote something. Are you using the school pepeha? Awesome blog post Tia Bye!
