
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Writing # Recount About Waitangi

In Te Maunga we have been writing recounts about our trip to waitangi.

I think I did well with fixing up my mistakes that I got in my comments. I also think I did well with giving my friend Payton feedback.

I could have done better by not getting distracted with others.
Here is my story!!!  ↙↙↙

The Big Long Walk Written by Tia

“Hurry up Te Maunga, Get in line!”  Said Whaea Becks. It was Tuesday afternoon and Te Ngahere, Te Moana and Te Maunga were setting off to go to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.  We were going there to learn about the Matariki stars.  While we were walking on the beach, I hears the choppy waves crashing down on the beach.  I also smelt the waves! I saw all the children up ahead of me walking on the right side of the pathway.  
When we arrived at our destination, We had to get stickers on us. We walked up the HUGE hill! We had to sit down and listen to a man but I forgot what his name was! WE had to split up into groups. We split up into groups so there would only be one teacher per amount of children. My team ( also known as Whaea Beck's team)went to weave the Nikau  first. I chose Mihipeka to be my partner because I am not that good at weaving and Mihipeka was, so I chose her. My hands got pretty sore as I placed my red fingers onto the Nikau.
When we were done weaving our AWESOME Nekau, we took it outside and played with it. As I slowly ran up with the kite, I threw it and it did a wonderful glide then a backwards flip in the air! Turns out I was throwing it backwards!
Next up, games. My favourite game was the blindfold game. We faced an opponent and we would have a yellow blindfold on. In our hands, we  held a paua shell and shook it so the other player knows where you are. You would have to tag them. I played against Rikki-Dean and I tagged him first! I felt really weird because I felt like I was blind! I felt inside like I wasn’t going to tag Rikki, but I did!
The last activity we did was planting. I heard the lady  talking to us about not stepping on the plants. I honestly thought I would but luckily I didn’t. As I walked over to the forest, I was about to step on a plant. I dug dug and dug the ground. Anyah, Mihi and I were still not done. We dug a little more and…Made it! PHEW! I thought in my head… “ That was a close one. “
After that we had to walk back to the tree where we first came to. When  it was time to go, Anyah and I stuck together. We slowly walked and moaned at the same time. We Sounded like dying cows! When we got back I was so happy and I ate my little heart out.
After all of that, It probably was my favourite Walk to the treaty grounds out of all the years I have been going there . I loved it.

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